Friday, January 30, 2015

How Weather Affects Flights

So, this truly begins my journey into blogging.  I had previously kicked off blogging on Medium, only to find out that I can't embed Tableau Vizs on the site (great planning by me).

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Kevin McGovern and I am a Consultant with Slalom in the Data Visualization and Discovery practice.  I have been using QlikView for over two and a half years and recently had my first full introduction to Tableau (thanks @pgilks).  I am a bit of a data nerd and like getting my hands on a fresh data set and seeing what kinds of cool ideas jump out at me.  I'm hoping that Tableau Public will allow me to build some cool stuff that I can share with fellow data enthusiasts.  You can follow me on Twitter as well (@mcgovey).

For my first Tableau Public venture, with winter in full swing I wanted to illustrate how the weather affects flights differently both based on the season and the location of the airport.  Unsurprisingly, the middle of the country seems to have the highest proportion of flights that are delayed or cancelled due to weather and the winter months appear to be the most brutal.  Another surprising result was just how highly American Airlines ranks on this list, given their "major carrier" status.

Select a state on the first page (or use the lasso to select multiple states) to see details for the airports in that date.  You can also select a month in the chart at the bottom of the dashboard to filter the data only for that month.

Hopefully the visualization mostly speaks for itself but if there are questions, I'm happy to answer them on Twitter, in the comments of this post or in a subsequent blog post.  One thing to note, the time period for the data is January 2012 to November 2014 (December 2014 wasn't available when I wrote this).

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